Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wonderful Surprise Visit With the Palomos

Yesterday Dan had a marvelous surprise visit with Fernando and Zulay Palomo, from Costa Rica. They were in Wilmore for a meeting at Asbury, and we ran into each other at lunch. It was great to see them again and enjoy a Spanish conversation in person (instead of listening to tapes).
More importantly, it was great to hear their newest vision. In Costa Rica, there are over 300,000 teenagers who have dropped out of school. The Palomos have a vision of beginning a multi-tiered ministry that will reach many of these young men and women with education and evangelism. They hope to do this with teenagers in the community at large. Additionally, they are also going to specifically target teenage dropouts in the Evangelical Methodist churches.
Why? First of all, they need to be reached with Christ's love. Secondly, reaching these young men and women now will greatly impact the future mission-minded leadership of the local churches in Costa Rica, which will therefore greatly impact those churches' abilities to reach the lost with the good news of Christ's love. It is our partnership with these kinds of compassionate and visionary friends in Costa Rica and Venezuela that excites us the most in our ministry. Please pray for the Palomos and their new vision. Gracias, y Dios le bendiga.

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