Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thankful Indeed

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, we certainly have much to thank God for. Nancy returns home Thanksgiving afternoon, after two weeks of helping her brother with his post-surgery recuperation. We will be glad to be together again! We are also most grateful for our wonderful sons, Chris and John, and their amazing wives, Eleanor and Tara. They enrich our lives in ways too numerous to count. Additionally, we are thankful for all of you who support 0ur ministry with your prayers and your giving. You are sources of immense encouragement and hope in our lives. Lastly, we are thankful for God's grace in Jesus, and for the immense privilege of knowing Him and being a part of His Body, the church. Our hearts are swelled with gratitude during this season, and our prayer is that we can more fully thank God by more fully loving Him and participating in the Great Adventure that He has designed Christian living to be. Much Love, Dan and Nancy

1 comment:

Melli said...

Aw! I know you will be so happy to have Nancy home with you... especially to spend Thanksgiving with! We all have sO much to be thankful for, and yet my family is having a sorrowful Thanksgiving this year. Please keep us in your prayers. You will be in mine.