Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nancy has recently had two trips that were blessings from God. On the first trip she participated in a 3-day advanced seminar on prayer and healing, followed by 5 days as a member of a prayer team that ministered healing to several folks. It was a joy to continue learning from the Lord as well as being used by Him. On the second trip she enjoyed a 2-day event in which she learned about a ministry perspective on wholeness through Christ that is called Sodzo (from the New Testament Greek work for wholeness/salvation). Dan was feeling puny most of last week, which was very bad timing, since he had to take Days One and Two of his Qualifying Exams. God gave him strength to make it through those exam days, and we're trusting His will concerning whether or not Dan passed. Monday and Tuesday of this coming week Dan has a 2-day take-home portion, and then his Quals will be over. Thursday evening marks the beginning of a consultation at Asbury on world revitalization movements, an event which lasts until noon on Sunday. Dan will be serving as a table discussion leader during this event. We continue to be amazed at the new opportunities for learning and ministry that God opens up for us, and thank you for your gracious and generous support. Much Love, Dan and Nancy

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