Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A proverb worth remembering

This proverb was part of my daily Bible reading a couple days ago, and it reminded me of how easy it is for us to participate in gossip, even when we don't want to. In fact, I've been a part of prayer groups that used the "sharing of prayer concerns" as a springboard for some of the best (or worst) gossip I've ever heard. May we all take this proverb to heart in a fresh way - "Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down" (Proverbs 26:20, NIV)


Melli said...

Sooooo TRUE! And a great reminder!!!

I am here from Jane's blog and it is wonderful to meet you! WELCOME to the blogging community! I have read all your posts and will be back! In the meantime I will certainly pray for your group going to Venezuela - and keep Eleanor's dad in my prayers as well.

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Good Morning..just like Melli (my friend) I am here via Jane's blog!! Jane and I have never met in person but we know each other through these blogs and we have the same father in Heaven!!
Welcome to the blogging world!! It is great!! You will meet a lot of great Christian people.

Lifecruiser said...

Came here by Janes blog. Warmth welcome to the friendly blogosphere.

May you have a Happy Halloween filled with scary fun!

Welcome to Lifecruisers Cyber Halloween Party!

Mr Butcher is awaiting to serve a lot of scared guests with malicious moth watering dishes!

Everybody is welcome and take all your scary monsters with you!!!!!

The party is going on until witching hour.

Make sure you come here holding your ghoul friends hand and be sure to read the haunted house rules properly!

...and make sure to come back later when the night creatures has crawled up from their graves too.....


Captain Lifecruiser