Thursday, August 26, 2010

Busy but Blessed

We have been very busy the past 10 days, but it has been a blessed time. As you may recall, David and Carol left last Tuesday, late morning. We spent Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, and Thursday getting the house set up the way it will work best for us. David and Carol left it in great shape, so we were able to start right away on re-arranging furniture, unpacking our suitcases, etc., in order to set up housekeeping. Friday was a work day for both of us. I chipped away at a couple projects related to Seminary administration, and Nancy began the process of setting up the financial administration in a way that will best match her gifts and the ministry's needs. Then we actually took the entire weekend OFF. Two whole days of rest and reading novels. It was wonderful. This week we've been doing more of the same. I made more progress with administrative tasks, and I also did some dissertation-related work. I read an academic, theological book in Spanish (aye papa!) plus 3 articles in English. Nancy made great headway with setting up her accounting system, and together we worked to bring everything up to date. She also got to start setting up her sewing room! First on the agenda for sewing will be to make curtains for the women's dorm at the Seminary. Thank you so much for your prayers: we definitely discern your prayer support and it is making a world of difference. We both sense a strong confirmation that we have accurately heard God's call to be here during this year, and we can see the ways He might be able to use us, and more importantly, to teach/guide/form us. His grace continues to amaze! Much Love, Dan and Nancy

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