Saturday, March 14, 2009

Faith-Sharing in Venezuela

The March session of the Wesleyan Seminary of Venezuela met this week. Our friend David Cosby taught Part II of the Church Planting course. 56 students were in attendance, including four new students. We praise God for the continued vitality of the Seminary. David asked the students to give him some statistical information regarding their ministries. We found it particularly encouraging that 529 persons were baptized in 2008 in the churches which those students serve. Additionally, 12 new churches were planted, and 1,114 new conversions were reported. Among 56 students! This passion for leading others to Christ is one of the reasons we so appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the ministry in Venezuela, and why teaching in the Seminary there is one of Dan's all-time favorite things to do. Thank you for your continued love and support. Many Blessings, Dan and Nancy

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