Sunday, February 1, 2009

Venezuelan Baptisms

Dan is in Venezuela for a 7-day trip, and Saturday he had the wonderful blessing of witnessing 12 baptisms of recent converts with the Ondas de Paz UMC. This took place at a local river about 45 minutes from the church. the congregation gathered for praise and worship music, followed by each of the people being baptized giving a short testimony, then followed by the baptisms. It was great to witness a congregation so committed to helping non-Christians choose to become Christ-followers. Please pray for continued safe travel. Dan will return on Wednesday. Many Blessings, Dan and Nancy


wjlanesr said...

Dan and Nancy,
Those are powerful photos! Thank you for sharing them. Hope yall are doing well and didn't get caught up in the Kentucky ice storm.

Praying for you!
Jeff and Julie Lane

Jane said...

WONDERFUL! What a blessing.