Friday, October 29, 2010

Visiting Family and Friends Before Heading Home Again


We safely arrived in the States yesterday for a 3-week period of visiting with family and friends before we head back home down south.  Please pray for continued safe travel.  The Seminary week ended very well, and then Dan got re-focused on dissertation research, developing more complete student records for the Seminary, and future course scheduling for the Seminary.  He also preached at Ondas de Paz last Sunday, and 3 persons made first-time decisions to follow Jesus (a party was celebrated in heaven!).  Nancy continues to oversee the financial aspects of the Seminary, develop her Spanish understanding, and many other tasks to help keep the overall ministry functioning smoothly.  When we return, we'll begin making final preparation for the December week of Seminary classes.  Thank you for your continued prayers.  Much Love, Dan and Nancy

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Seminary Week Going Well

We are thankful for a blessed Seminary week to this point.  Three intensive courses are being taught: Global Outreach (Dan), Inductive Bible Study (Wilmer Perez), and Prayer/Devotional Life of the Pastor (Carey Akin).  There are 45 students in all, which is very encouraging, because we had been averaging 42-44 students, and then we graduated 11 students in August, so God has sent new students to start their training process.  Yesterday (Tuesday) in Dan's course on Global Outreach, the students were asked to name the various countries where they know of Venezuelan missionaries serving (small discussion groups are pictured above).  We were thrilled to hear that there are VZ missionaries in Egypt, Pakistan, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Peru, Congo, Cuba, USA, Spain, Germany, St. Lucia, Colombia, India, Curazao, Aruba, Haiti, Panama, Ecuador, Portugal, China, and among indigenous peoples in VZ.  God has been stirring some missionary fires here!  Thank you for yous continued prayers.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Visited Pastor Jesus Rivero and His Congregation


Yesterday (Sunday) we had the joy of visiting with Pastor Jesus Rivero and his congregation. We got to visit the children's Sunday school area, and later they invited us to share prayer time with the congregation. We sensed the Holy Spirit asking us to pray for one-by-one for everyone who wanted prayer. This took about an hour and a half, and it was a special time for us, as we had the privilege of sharing prayer with these precious brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for your continued prayers and your financial support, both of which enable us to be down here doing this type of ministry. Much Love, Dan and Nancy

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mango Trunk/Stump Removal


We were finally able to get rid of the mango tree debris, including the large/heavy trunk-stump, thanks to the ingenuity of our friend Samuel.  Next week we'll be able to pick out another mango tree to plant in the same spot.  This tree will be a strain that doesn't grow so large, so it won't do damage to the house's foundation.  Next week we will also be working hard on preparations for the upcoming week of Seminary classes October 11-15.  Nancy will be working on registration/accounting processes for tuition, room and board, etc., and Dan will continue preparations for the class he will be teaching on Global Outreach.  Thank you for your continued prayers.  Many Blessings, Dan and Nancy